Palliative Care

Rotation Objectives

1. Use tools such as ePrognosis, Palliative Performance Scale to provide prognostic information to patients with life-limiting illness

2. Understand hospice eligibility criteria and how to refer a patient for Palliative Care and/or hospice services

3. Understand hospice eligibility criteria and how to refer a patient for Palliative Care and/or hospice services

4. Define types of services that Hospice care can provide and understand the different settings of care including home, respite, General Inpatient

5. Understand non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic strategies to treat symptoms associated with life-limiting illness

6. Distinguish POLST from Advance Directive documents, review advance care planning with patients

7. Use REMAP framework when delivering difficult news or holding a goals of care discussion. Use NURSE statements to respond to emotion